You may close the Styles and Formatting window now, if desired. Double-click on the desired Page style name (the one that properly displays your header/logo).In earlier versions of Word, from the View menu, select Header and Footer. In Word 20, select the Insert tab, and then select either Header or Footer.

Click on the Page style icon (fourth one from the left). Click anywhere in the section of your document for which you want to create a different header or footer.From the pull down menus, choose Format > Styles and Formatting.Place your text cursor into the page that has the wrong style.If the style name is different, the document has been broken into sections. The name that appears is the page style name. Tip: To remove header or footer space, change your margin size to 0. Under 'Apply to,' choose a section or the entire document. At the top left, click Format Headers & footers More options. Look below the document, just to the right of where the page number information appears. On your computer, open a document in Google Docs. If the graphic appears on one or more pages, then stops appearing, the cause is likely to be a different page style that is applied on the page where the logo ceases to appear. If it is not, logos will appear only on odd or even pages, but not both.